Brand Name: Hillman
*Diameter: 1/2 in.
*Length: 10 in.
*Material: Steel
*Head Style: Round Head
*Product Type: Anchor Bolts
*Number in Package: 25 pk
*Dimeter: 1/2 in.
*Thread Type: Coarse
*Screw Length: 10 in.
*Screw Included: No
*Packaging Type: Boxed
*Application: Concrete
*Required Drill Hole Size: 1/2 in.
Brand Name: Hillman
*Diameter: 1/2 in.
*Length: 12 in.
*Material: Steel
*Head Style: Round Head
*Product Type: Anchor Bolts
*Number in Package: 25 pk
*Required Drill Hole Size: 1/2 in.
*Screw Length: 12 in.
*Application: Concrete
*Screw Included: No
*Thread Type: Coarse
*Packaging Type: Boxed
*Dimeter: 1/2 in.
Brand Name: Hillman
*Diameter: 1/2 in.
*Length: 6 in.
*Material: Steel
*Head Style: Round Head
*Product Type: Anchor Bolts
*Number in Package: 25 pk
*Required Drill Hole Size: 1/2 in.
*Thread Type: Coarse
*Screw Included: No
*Dimeter: 1/2 in.
*Packaging Type: Boxed
*Application: Concrete
*Screw Length: 6 in.
Brand Name: Hillman
*Diameter: 1/2 in.
*Length: 8 in.
*Material: Steel
*Head Style: Round Head
*Product Type: Anchor Bolts
*Number in Package: 25 pk
*Packaging Type: Boxed
*Required Drill Hole Size: 1/2 in.
*Dimeter: 1/2 in.
*Screw Included: No
*Application: Concrete
*Screw Length: 8 in.
*Thread Type: Coarse
Tapcon Concrete Screw Anchor 1/4 in. Dia *Diameter: 1/4 in. *Length: 1-3/4 in. *Material: Steel *Head Style: Hex Head*Product Type: Concrete Screw Anchor *Number in Package: 225 pk *Application: Concrete and Masonry, Concrete Anchor *Thread Type: High/Low *Packaging Type: Bulk
Tapcon Concrete Screw Anchor 1/4 in. Dia *Diameter: 1/4 in. *Length: 2-3/4 in. *Material: Steel *Head Style: Flat Head *Product Type: Concrete Screw Anchor *Number in Package: 150 pk *Application: Concrete Anchor, Concrete and Masonry *Packaging Type: Boxed *Thread Type: High/Low *Dimeter: 1/4 in. *Flat head* Phillips* Tapcon is the original masonry anchor designed for fastening applications in concrete, block, and brick* Use these anchors to attach electrical equipment, two by fours, downspout straps, hose reels, flag poles, hurricane shutters, and more* The blue climaseal coating providesextended corrosion protection and makes anchors perfect for outdoor use
TAPCON 1/4X3 1/4 HEX HEAD - 75 PK *Diameter: 1/4 in. *Length: 3-1/4 in. *Material: Steel *Head Style: Hex Head *ProductType: Concrete Screw Anchor *Number in Package: 75 pk *Thread Type: Coarse *Packaging Type: Clamshell *Discovery SUP
Brand Name: Hillman
*Diameter: 1/2 in.
*Length: 3-1/2 in.
*Material: Steel
*Head Style: Round Head
*Product Type: Strike Anchor
*Number in Package: 25 pk
*Screw Length: 3-1/2 in.
*Dimeter: 1/2 in.
*Screw Included: Yes
*Thread Type: High/Low
*Application: Concrete
*Required Drill Hole Size: 1/2 in.
*Minimum Embedment: 2-1/2 in.
*Capacity: 400 lb.
*Packaging Type: Boxed
Brand Name: Hillman
*Diameter: 1/2 in.
*Length: 4-3/4 in.
*Material: Steel
*Head Style: Round Head
*Product Type: Strike Anchor
*Number in Package: 1 pk
*Dimeter: 1/2 in.
*Thread Type: High/Low
*Minimum Embedment: 2-1/2 in.
*Application: Concrete
*Capacity: 400 lb.
*Screw Length: 4-3/4 in.
*Required Drill Hole Size: 1/2 in.
*Screw Included: Yes
*Packaging Type: Boxed
Brand Name: Hillman
*Diameter: 3/8 in.
*Length: 3-1/2 in.
*Material: Steel
*Head Style: Round Head
*Product Type: Strike Anchor
*Number in Package: 50 pk
*Application: Concrete
*Screw Included: Yes
*Screw Length: 3.5 in.
*Packaging Type: Boxed
*Capacity: 240 lb.
*Dimeter: 3/8 in.
*Minimum Embedment: 1-3/4 in.
*Thread Type: High/Low
*Required Drill Hole Size: 3/8 in.
Hillman Hammer Drive Anchor
*Diameter: 3/8 in.
*Length: 4-3/4 in.
*Material: Steel
*Head Style: Round Head
*Product Type: Strike Anchor
*Number in Package: 25 pk
*Application: Concrete
*Required Drill Hole Size: 3/8 in.
*Screw Included: Yes
*Thread Type: High/Low
*Capacity: 240 lb.
*Dimeter: 3/8 in.
*Screw Length: 4-3/4 in.
*Minimum Embedment: 1-3/4 in.
*Packaging Type: Boxed
*Resists vibration. Preloads itself. Reduces the need for templated.
Brand Name: Hillman
*Diameter: 3/8 in.
*Length: 1-7/8 in.
*Material: Steel
*Head Style: Hex Head
*Product Type: Sleeve Anchors
*Number in Package: 25 pk
*Capacity: 385 lb.
*Minimum Embedment: 1-5/8 in.
*Thread Type: High/Low
*Dimeter: 3/8 in.
*Packaging Type: Boxed
*Screw Length: 1-7/8 in.
*Required Drill Hole Size: 3/8 in.
*Application: Brick, Concrete, Hollow Block
*Screw Included: Yes
Brand Name: Hillman
*Diameter: 5/8 in.
*Length: 3 in.
*Material: Steel
*Head Style: Hex Head
*Product Type: Sleeve Anchors
*Number in Package: 10 pk
*Thread Type: High/Low
*Required Drill Hole Size: 5/8 in.
*Dimeter: 5/8 in.
*Packaging Type: Boxed
*Screw Length: 3 in.
*Application: Brick, Concrete, Hollow Block
*Minimum Embedment: 2-3/4 in.
*Screw Included: Yes
*Capacity: 1690 lb.
Brand Name: Hillman
*Diameter: 3/4 in.
*Length: 4-3/4 in.
*Material: Steel
*Head Style: Round Head
*Product Type: Wedge Anchor
*Number in Package: 10 pk
*Application: Concrete
*Thread Type: High/Low
*Required Drill Hole Size: 3/4 in.
*Minimum Embedment: 3-3/8 in.
*Packaging Type: Boxed
*Capacity: 2500 lb.
*Screw Included: Yes
*Dimeter: 3/4 in.
*Screw Length: 4-3/4 in.
Brand Name: Hillman
*Diameter: 3/4 in.
*Length: 6-1/4 in.
*Material: Steel
*Head Style: Round Head
*Product Type: Wedge Anchor
*Number in Package: 10 pk
*Minimum Embedment: 3-3/8 in.
*Screw Included: Yes
*Screw Length: 6-1/4 in.
*Required Drill Hole Size: 3/4 in.
*Capacity: 3765 lb.
*Dimeter: 3/4 in.
*Application: Concrete
*Thread Type: High/Low
*Packaging Type: Boxed
Hillman Wedge Anchors *Diameter: 3/4 in. *Length: 7 in. *Material: Steel *Head Style: Round Head *Product Type: Wedge Anchor *Number in Package: 10 pk *Application: Concrete *Screw Length: 7 in. *Screw Included: Yes *Required Drill Hole Size: 3/4 in. *Minimum Embedment: 3-3/8 in. *Thread Type: High/Low *Dimeter: 3/4 in. *Capacity: 3765 lb. *Packaging Type: Boxed *Bit size = rawl stud dia. Minimum embedment- 1/4"=1-1/8", 3/8"= 1-3/4", 1/2"= 2-14", 5/8"= 2-7/8", 3/4"= 3-3/8".
Brand Name: Hillman
*Diameter: 5/8 in.
*Length: 5 in.
*Material: Steel
*Head Style: Round Head
*Product Type: Wedge Anchor
*Number in Package: 10 pk
*Application: Concrete
*Minimum Embedment: 2-3/4 in.
*Thread Type: High/Low
*Required Drill Hole Size: 5/8 in.
*Screw Included: Yes
*Capacity: 2705 lb.
*Dimeter: 5/8 in.
*Packaging Type: Boxed
*Screw Length: 5 in.
Hillman Wedge Anchors
*Diameter: 5/8 in.
*Length: 8-1/2 in.
*Material: Steel
*Head Style: Round Head
*Product Type: Wedge Anchor
*Number in Package: 10 pk
*Thread Type: High/Low
*Packaging Type: Boxed
*Application: Concrete
*Screw Length: 8-1/2 in.
*Screw Included: Yes
*Dimeter: 5/8 in.
*Capacity: 3040 lb.
*Required Drill Hole Size: 5/8 in.
*Minimum Embedment: 2-3/4 in.
*Bit size = rawl stud dia. Minimum embed- 1/4"=1-1/8", 3/8"= 1-3/4", 1/2"= 2-14", 5/8"= 2-7/8",3/4"= 3-3/8".
Brand Name: Hillman
*Diameter: 1/4 in.
*Length: 1-1/4 in.
*Material: Steel
*Head Style: Mushroom Head
*Product Type: Hammer Drive Anchor
*Number in Package: 100 pk
*Thread Type: High/Low
*Dimeter: 1/4 in.
*Capacity: 260 lb.
*Required Drill Hole Size: 1/4 in.
*Application: Brick, Concrete, Hollow Block
*Screw Length: 1-1/4 in.
*Screw Included: Yes
*Packaging Type: Boxed
*Minimum Embedment: 3/4 in.
Hillman Hammer Drive Anchor
*Diameter: 1/4 in.
*Length: 2 in.
*Material: Zinc
*Head Style: Round Head
*Product Type: Hammer Drive Anchor
*Number in Package: 100 pk
*Dimeter: 1/4 in.
*Application: Brick, Concrete, Hollow Block
*Required Drill Hole Size: 1/4 in.
*Packaging Type: Boxed
*Thread Type: High/Low
*Capacity: 325 lb.
*Screw Length: 2 in.
*Screw Included: No
*Minimum Embedment: 3/4 in.
*Nail-like expander pin provides a permanent, tamper-proof installation. Installed with variable speed drill and hammer. Furnished completely assembled.
Brand Name: Hillman
*Diameter: 3/16 in.
*Length: 7/8 in.
*Material: Steel
*Head Style: Mushroom Head
*Product Type: Hammer Drive Anchor
*Number in Package: 100 pk
*Thread Type: High/Low
*Minimum Embedment: 3/4 in.
*Screw Included: Yes
*Required Drill Hole Size: 3/16 in.
*Dimeter: 3/16 in.
*Packaging Type: Boxed
*Screw Length: 7/8 in.
*Application: Brick, Concrete, Hollow Block
*Capacity: 55 lb.
Brand Name: Hillman
*Diameter: 5/16 in.
*Length: 1 in.
*Material: Metal
*Head Style: Pan Head
*Product Type: Machine Screw Anchor
*Number in Package: 50 pk
*Dimeter: 5/16-18
*Required Drill Hole Size: 5/8 in.
*Thread Type: Coarse
*Minimum Embedment: 1 in.
*Capacity: 515 lb.
*Packaging Type: Boxed
*Application: Brick, Concrete, Hollow Block
*Screw Length: 1 in.
*Screw Included: No
Brand Name: Hillman
*Diameter: .19 in.
*Length: 1 in.
*Material: Lead
*Head Style: Round Head
*Product Type: Ribbed Anchor
*Number in Package: 100 pk
*Packaging Type: Boxed
*Minimum Embedment: 1 in.
*Required Drill Hole Size: 5/16 in.
*Screw Included: No
*Capacity: 140 lb.
*Screw Length: 1 in.
*Dimeter: 10-14
*Application: Brick, Concrete, Hollow Block
*Thread Type: High/Low
Brand Name: Hillman
*Diameter: .19 in.
*Length: 1-1/2 in.
*Material: Lead
*Head Style: Round Head
*Product Type: Concrete Screw Anchor
*Number in Package: 100 pk
*Minimum Embedment: 1-1/2 in.
*Screw Length: 1-1/2 in.
*Thread Type: High/Low
*Required Drill Hole Size: 5/16 in.
*Capacity: 65 lb.
*Packaging Type: Boxed
*Application: Brick, Concrete, Hollow Block
*Screw Included: No
*Dimeter: 10-14
Brand Name: Hillman
*Diameter: 1/4 in.
*Length: 1-1/2 in.
*Material: Lead
*Head Style: Round Head
*Product Type: Concrete Screw Anchor
*Number in Package: 100 pk
*Packaging Type: Boxed
*Capacity: 15 lb.
*Screw Included: No
*Application: Brick, Concrete, Hollow Block
*Required Drill Hole Size: 1/4 in.
*Screw Length: 1-1/2 in.
*Minimum Embedment: 1-1/2 in.
*Thread Type: High/Low
*Dimeter: 1/4 in.
Brand Name: Hillman
*Diameter: .138 in.
*Length: 3/4 in.
*Material: Lead
*Head Style: Round Head
*Product Type: Ribbed Anchor
*Number in Package: 100 pk
*Minimum Embedment: 3/4 in.
*Required Drill Hole Size: 1/4 in.
*Packaging Type: Boxed
*Capacity: 50 lb.
*Screw Included: No
*Thread Type: High/Low
*Dimeter: 6-8
*Screw Length: 3/4 in.
*Application: Brick, Concrete, Hollow Block
Brand Name: Hillman
*Diameter: 1/4 in.
*Length: 0 in.
*Material: Metal
*Head Style: Round Head
*Product Type: Setting Tool Machine Screw Anchor
*Number in Package: 5 pk
*Dimeter: 1/4 in.
*Application: Brick, Concrete, Hollow Block
*Packaging Type: Boxed
*Screw Included: No
*Thread Type: High/Low